I am a PhD in Gail’s lab investigating the effect of temperature on bacterial pathogens of common bean (Pseudomonas syringae pv phaseolicola and syringae). Since starting my project, I have identified a link between tolerance to reactive oxygen species and temperature. This is interesting because reactive oxygen species production is key to plant immunity. I am currently looking into the genetic and metabolic changes underlying this cross-talk.
Outside of the lab, I enjoy gardening together with other members of my college’s gardening club. I first gained an appreciation for plants when I lived in Norway as a teenager before I went back to my home country France for high school. I then moved to Oxford where I graduated with a BA of Biological Sciences. In 2017, I enrolled into Oxford’s Interdisciplinary Bioscience Doctoral Training Programme (graciously funded by UKRI-BBSRC) and joined the Preston lab. If you have questions about the Preston lab, feel free to contact me at julianna.piat@biology.ox.ac.uk .